16.04.2019 | Full-time | Galaţi (Galaţi) | Digi | RCS & RDS | Abilitati dezvoltate de comunicare interpersonala; Experienta anterioara in structuri care interactioneaza direct cu clientii; Foarte bune cunostinte de utilizare PC (MS Office, baze de date); Persoana adaptabila si cu un dezvoltat spirit de echipa; Rezistenta la stres si capacitate de reactie; Bune
Uita-te mai târziu15.04.2019 | Full-time | Galaţi (Galaţi) | FarmaVet | Cautam o persoana care Are studii de profil medic veterinar sau tehnician veterinar; Are abilitati de comunicare si negociere; Este perseverenta, orientata spre solutii si rezultate; Are cunostinte operare PC (Word, Excel, Outlook). Farmacistul veterinar va fi responsabil pentru Vanzarea produsel
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Full-time | Galaţi (Galaţi) | Computer Generated Solutions Romania | Excellent knowledge of the English language, both verbal and written (advanced skills) - Good decision-making and communication skills - Good people and interpersonal skills to build effective relationships with all levels of professionals - Strong problem solving skills and the ability to learn q
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Full-time | Galaţi (Galaţi) | Computer Generated Solutions Romania | Excellent knowledge of Russian (advanced skills) - Good knowledge of the English language, both verbal and written (medium skills) - Good decision-making and communication skills - Good people and interpersonal skills to build effective relationships with all levels of professionals - Strong probl
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Full-time | Galaţi (Galaţi) | Computer Generated Solutions Romania | Excellent knowledge of French (advanced skills) - Good knowledge of the English language, both verbal and written (medium skills) - Good decision-making and communication skills - Good people and interpersonal skills to build effective relationships with all levels of professionals - Strong proble
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Full-time | Galaţi (Galaţi) | Computer Generated Solutions Romania | Excellent knowledge of Italian (advanced skills) - Good knowledge of the English language, both verbal and written (medium skills) - Good decision-making and communication skills - Good people and interpersonal skills to build effective relationships with all levels of professionals - Strong probl
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Full-time | Galaţi (Galaţi) | Computer Generated Solutions Romania | Excellent knowledge of Spanish (advanced skills) - Good knowledge of the English language, both verbal and written (medium skills) - Good decision-making and communication skills - Good people and interpersonal skills to build effective relationships with all levels of professionals - Strong probl
Uita-te mai târziu10.04.2019 | Full-time | Galaţi (Galaţi) | Oney Finances | Cautam colegi isteti si ambitiosi, care tintesc cat mai sus pentru o cariera in vanzari. Iti place sa comunici si sa interactionezi cu oamenii Esti pasionat de vanzare si negociere Esti orientat catre rezultate si sa obtii ce iti doresti Iti place sa lucrezi in echipa Ai disponibilitate pentru progr
Uita-te mai târziu09.04.2019 | Full-time | Galaţi (Galaţi) | UPC Romania | Studii superioare *Experienta de cel putin 3 ani in domeniul vanzarilor; *Experienta in domeniul comunicatiilor prin cablu si/sau comunicatiilor electronice reprezinta un avantaj; *Cunostinte foarte bune de lucru cu calculatorul (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, aplicatii specifice asociate pozitiei); *Cun
Uita-te mai târziu04.04.2019 | Full-time | Galaţi (Galaţi) | Credius | Cautam un coleg care Relationeaza excelent; Este orientat catre rezultate; Are o atitudine pozitiva; Detine permis categoria B; (vechime minim un an); Are abilitatile necesare pentru un job provocator in domeniul financiar-bancar; Cunoaste domeniul vanzarilor (experienta in domeniul financiar-banc
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