12.02.2025 | Full-time | Mioveni | Sales ConsultingSince 1998, we've been active in the Human Resources consulting market, providing regional coverage across four key areas of expertise recruitment and selection, personnel leasing, assessment centers and consultancy. As leaders in Transylvania, we've expanded our reach to embrace a culture of conti
Uita-te mai târziu07.02.2025 | Full-time | Mioveni | Inetum RomaniaJob Description Analyze, in connection with Product Owner, the data available in operational systems or in the Datalake in accordance with business needs Ingest data into the REI (Industrial Equipment Reference) application (physical or virtual) Build the analysis model based on business needs Creat
Uita-te mai târziu07.02.2025 | Full-time | Mioveni | Inetum RomaniaJob Description Provides Digital expertise Enlightens with digital experience the solutions imagined by Product Owner (best practices, consistency with market standards…) Gives advice on possible improvements in product backlog Supports Product Owner in Product Backlog priorization Proposes prioriza
Uita-te mai târziu29.01.2025 | Full-time | Mioveni | Segula TechnologiesJob Description The purpose of the service consists, in the launch phase or in the serial life, in Detection, documentation, prioritization and enrichment of incidents Analysis of incidents and recommendations for handling the problem Animation and monitoring of current subjects Guarantee of proper
Uita-te mai târziu08.11.2024 | Full-time | Mioveni | Randstad RomaniaDescrierea rolului În calitate de Inginer Dezvoltare Procese, veți juca un rol esențial în proiectarea și îmbunătățirea proceselor noastre de producție. Veți fi responsabil de analiza și optimizarea fluxurilor de lucru, asigurându-vă că procesele sunt eficiente și conforme cu standardele de calitat
Uita-te mai târziu29.10.2024 | Full-time | Mioveni | SEGULA TechnologiesDescrierea companieiLa SEGULA Technologies, vei avea ocazia să lucrezi la proiecte interesante și să modelezi viitorul într-o companie pentru care inovația este inseparabilă de inginerie. Noi forme de mobilitate, vehicule autonome, fabrica viitorului, realitate augmentată. Acestea sunt preocupările
Uita-te mai târziu15.10.2024 | Full-time | Mioveni | NOVARESFinalityLevel 1 Participate in the implementation of cost-effective product/process capability for production connected to the zone(s) or APU concerned, for all types of customer and all types of icipate in the operational implementation of risk management actions on siteLevel 2 Responsi
Uita-te mai târziu03.10.2024 | Full-time | Mioveni | NOVARESFinalityAssist with production and manage the Autonomous Production Team providing support to help it achieve its Quality Cost Deadline Safety Management objectivesMain MissionsLEVEL 1 - Manage and ensure production- Ensure production, measurement or setting depending on technical profile - Manage r
Uita-te mai târziu19.09.2024 | Full-time | Mioveni | JYSKDescrierea locului de muncăTe entuziasmeaza sa lucrezi in vanzari? Iti doresti sa oferi clientilor cele mai bune servicii in JYSK Romania impreuna cu echipa ta? Iti place sa ai o activitate dinamica? Atunci tu poti fi Asistentul de Vanzari (f/m) pe care il cautam! CE ITI OFERIMAi posibilitatea sa te
Uita-te mai târziu17.09.2024 | Full-time | Mioveni | NOVARESFinalityLevel 1 Carry out complex maintenance work, both curative and preventive, and modifications on production l 2 & 3 Plan, organize and carry out preventive and corrective maintenance of buildings and production equipment, participate in the improvement of existing Mi
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