01.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | APT Resources & Services SRL | Who are we looking for- A passionate recruiting lover with social media wizard, you play on multiple channels to be part of conversations- A strong collaborator with excellent customer and incredible focus on trust and credibility An independent result-oriented professional with drive & a creative p
Uita-te mai târziu01.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | APT Resources & Services SRL | For our customer, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, we are looking for Service Settlement Specialist. Main Responsibilities Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor-s Degree; Patient and Rigorous thinking are strongly needed; Strong interpersonal
Uita-te mai târziu28.03.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | APT Resources & Services SRL | Persoana organizata si punctuala; -Bune cunostinte a pachetului MS Office - Excel (ex.Pivot, Vlookup) - -Cunoasterea programului informatic SAP constituie avantaj; -Bune abilitati de relationare si comunicare. -Introduce in baza de date comenzile primite de la clienti emitand documentele de iesire
Uita-te mai târziu28.03.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | APT Resources & Services SRL | As a Business specialist you will analyze business operations and find ways to improve them and maximize the business. Requirements - Strong Microsoft Office applications experience especially Excel; -Advanced level of English; -University degree in Business Management or Accounting or other releva
Uita-te mai târziu27.03.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | APT Resources & Services SRL | For our customer, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, we are looking for a Billing Specialist. -The ideal candidate shoud have Good knowledge of MS Office (Excel, Outlook, Power Point, Word); Excellent written communication and documentations skills
Uita-te mai târziu27.03.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | APT Resources & Services SRL | Service Settlement Specialist. Main Responsibilities Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor-s Degree; Patient and Rigorous thinking are strongly needed; Strong interpersonal and communication skills, problem solving skills, decision making and self-learning ability; Familiar with the after sale
Uita-te mai târziu27.03.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | APT Resources & Services SRL | Experienta de minim 6 luni in domeniul recrutarii - constituie un avantaj experienta de recrutare in proiecte de volum (productie); - Studii universitare; - Persoana diplomata, axata pe consilierea clientilor si a candidatilor; - Foarte bune abilitati de comunicare, organizare si lucru in echipa
Uita-te mai târziu27.03.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | APT Resources & Services SRL | Studii medii/superioare finalizate; - Cunostinte MS Office; - Persoana calma, toleranta; - Abilitati de comunicare si relationare. - Informarea pacien-ilor cu privire la investiga-iile oferite, la protocolul de recoltare a probelor biologice, la programul de lucru -i la termenele de eliberare a re
Uita-te mai târziu22.03.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | APT Resources & Services SRL | For our client, a leading global ICT (information and communications technology) solutions provider, we are looking for a passionate PO Process Specialist with English. What are we looking for- An advanced level of English - written & spoken. It-s important for us to be a team player. Strong Microso
Uita-te mai târziu22.03.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | APT Resources & Services SRL | Abilitati bune de comunicare; - Orientare catre client si catre rezultate; - Atitudine pozitiva si atentie la detalii; - Spirit de echipa, flexibilitate, adaptabilitate. - Acorda asistenta si suport clientilor; - Furnizeaza informatii corecte si complete clientilor, referitoare la produsele si ser
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